Transitions . . . A Time of Reflection

Transitions . . . A Time of Reflection

It’s been a while since I blogged. I was caught up in homeschooling and finding time to run a business. As I find myself graduating my final homeschool child, I realized things are going to change quite a bit. So I decided it’s time!

Time for what? I honestly am thinking through that right now. As I meet with fellow mompreneurs and share over coffee at local cafes, I am getting filled up and an hearing the hearts of these incredible women. I realize I am excited to get back into the thick of it.

That being said, I have not been idle. I have had the privilege of building a thriving direct sales team in DoTerra with over 600 customers/wellness advocates. Our team is amazing and that has become a part of my core. Now I am ready to relaunch my Business Marketing Gym.

I will keep you all posted as I get my programs and processes in place. But in the meantime, pop back here and see if there is anything new going on. I look forward to the next phase of working with mompreneurs and growing!

Food intolerance testing – is it worth it?

Food intolerance testing – is it worth it?

I hear this a lot. When we first started our journey, we were shocked at the cost to get our son tested along with the consult. That was 12 years ago. What made it challenging is that none of it was covered by our health insurance. They focused on treating sickness, not truly supporting wellness. But I will emphatically say yes, it was worth every penny! I believe the investment has come down quite a bit since then. Yes, I call it an investment, not a cost. This is your health we are talking about! Is there anything more important?

My sister always says “Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.” I think this looks so yummy and so good for you.

Leaky Gut: What does a food sensitivity mean to you and why should you care about it? If you have a food sensitivity, it probably is an alarm going off in your body letting you know something else is going on. Leaky Gut is one possibility! That is when your intestines have become permeable allowing the proteins from your food to enter your bloodstream. This is a huge cause of food sensitivity. Your immune system sees these particles as enemies. It then kicks into over gear which then causes an immune response to go into overdrive. If not addressed quickly, this can turn into an autoimmune disease.

Gut Flora Imbalance: You also may have an imbalance in your gut flora. Gut flora imbalance is very common. It is believed that 90% of people have some sort of gut imbalance. This can happen very easily. For example, every time we take antibiotics, it eliminates good stuff and bad stuff. It can also be set off balance by the food we eat. Or coming into contact with critters that feed the flora, i.e. parasites. When our gut is out of balance, our digestive system does not function. This will cause a cascade of other issues.

The investment in tests has come down and is certainly more mainstream than they were 12 years ago. There are labs all over that have panel tests already available. It is just like a menu at a restaurant. Work with a local holistic practitioner to find the right panel for you. It is so easy and once you know what you need to know, you will be well on your way to optimal health.

Mid Year Review – It’s June, Now What????

Mid Year Review – It’s June, Now What????

It is June, yes half the year is almost gone. How did that happen?

So my question brian tracy quoteto you is, how does that make you feel? Are you rejoicing or feeling sad? Are you on track for where you thought you would be, or are you realizing you are way behind?

As for me, I am a little bit of both. I realize we cannot control everything, but we can control our response to what is happening around us. So I am looking at June as a time to re-look at my business goals and plans and see where I need to tweak or change. It is also a time to create a new, bold plan. I think if you are farther behind than where you wanted to be, it is time for a MAP. That is a Massive Action Plan. Can you create a 90 day run, plan that will jump start your business so you can finish strong?

What about you? What do you think about this? I would love to hear your feedback.

What is your legacy?

What is your legacy?

I just dropped off my 16 year old son at his “job” and I am blown away at the fact that my son is 16 and that he has work.  Time flies and I find myself feeling overwhelmed by emotions about how quickly it happens.  It seems like just yesterday I was teaching him colors and now here he is working and well on his way to becoming an amazing young man.   I am reminded to not take life for granted.  It also got me thinking about how important it has been to fill my son with good books and to surround him by good people.  This was an intentional act to give him a competitive edge in life.  To help mold him to be the man he will become.

“My life – my personality, my habits, even my speech – is a combination of the books I choose to read, the people I choose to listen to, and the thoughts I choose to tolerate in my mind”
Andy Andrews

As we have made choices in life, the books we read and the place we went, it was all intentional with the end goal in mind.  My goal is to raise Godly young men who love the Lord and will make a contribution to society.  As I build my business, I use the same barometer.  I make choices about who I spend time with and what I put in my mind so that I can hopefully make a contribution to society and become the woman God has planned for me.

andy-andrewss-quotes-4Are you being intentional about who you spend time with and what books you read?  Do you know where you are going?  Or are you just flying by the seat of your pants with no plan or even idea of where you want to go?  Please know that if you don’t have your own plan, you will be following someone’s plan.

Start today with a goal, even if it is simple, but be intentional about your life, your business and your legacy. 

The Butterfly Effect – Andy Andrews

The Butterfly Effect – Andy Andrews

I just got back from the Emerge Retreat hosted by Kellie Kuecha.  It was an incredible event, filled with so much, I am still processing.  At the very end of the event we made a circle, held hands and after an amazing song that we sang together, we were asked to give one word that represents our experience there.  So many words came up for so many people.  What was so strange was earlier in the day I took time to sit in the sun by myself and KC_CRW_6261asked God for one word and the word that came up for me was RIPPLE.  When she asked for each of us to share RIPPLE is the word the I shared.  Now home I am doing research on that word and thinking and processing what the word means to me, it brought me to Andy Andrews and the concept of the Butterfly Effect.  I am linking a video about that here for you to get his words directly because only he can do it justice.

What does it mean to me?  It means that everything we do and don’t do has an affect or impact.  Every choice we make, every choice we don’t make and who is involved in those choices.  For me it is a ripple effect.  I help one person up which maybe helps that person see something differently.  Now that person takes new steps and new actions and before long they are helping others and the process goes on and on.  Don’t underestimate what impact a small act may have in someone’s life.  You can make a difference.

Coffee moments . . .

Coffee moments . . .

Bring your favorite beverage and sit down for a moment with me as we share the journey of entrepreneurship. We will discuss our joys and struggles. Focus on opportunities to grow and find ways to encourage and support each other.