What is your legacy?

What is your legacy?

I just dropped off my 16 year old son at his “job” and I am blown away at the fact that my son is 16 and that he has work.  Time flies and I find myself feeling overwhelmed by emotions about how quickly it happens.  It seems like just yesterday I was teaching him colors and now here he is working and well on his way to becoming an amazing young man.   I am reminded to not take life for granted.  It also got me thinking about how important it has been to fill my son with good books and to surround him by good people.  This was an intentional act to give him a competitive edge in life.  To help mold him to be the man he will become.

“My life – my personality, my habits, even my speech – is a combination of the books I choose to read, the people I choose to listen to, and the thoughts I choose to tolerate in my mind”
Andy Andrews

As we have made choices in life, the books we read and the place we went, it was all intentional with the end goal in mind.  My goal is to raise Godly young men who love the Lord and will make a contribution to society.  As I build my business, I use the same barometer.  I make choices about who I spend time with and what I put in my mind so that I can hopefully make a contribution to society and become the woman God has planned for me.

andy-andrewss-quotes-4Are you being intentional about who you spend time with and what books you read?  Do you know where you are going?  Or are you just flying by the seat of your pants with no plan or even idea of where you want to go?  Please know that if you don’t have your own plan, you will be following someone’s plan.

Start today with a goal, even if it is simple, but be intentional about your life, your business and your legacy.